This section aims to connect institutions with the wider industry ecosystem by covering the profiles of Incubators, Accelerator programmes, Innovation Centres/Hubs, EDC, Placement Cells, Alumni/Institute Industry Association Cells, Startup Co-working spaces/Business Shared office spaces/Plug-and-play offices, Edu-and-training based companies, Mentoring & Corporate companies (with links to institutions), and related News on a subscription basis.


Answer all the questions provided here

Private/Startup Incubators in Institutions, Universities & Colleges & Seed Accelerators

✓ Select: Are you an Incubator/Accelerator?*
✓ Name of the Incubator/Accelerator*:
✓ Institution/College/University affiliated with or Private*:
✓ Is the Incubator/Accelerator funded (e.g., by DST)?
✓ Salient features/benefits to incubatees/accelerator clients (in less than 200 words)*:
✓ Exclusive programmes for incubatees/accelerator clients. Will they help them grow after graduation (in less than 200 words)?*
✓ What services do you offer (in less than 200 words)?*
✓ What fees are involved (in less than 50 words)?*
✓ Why should we join your incubator/accelerator (in less than 100 words)?*
✓ What is the record of your incubatee/client’s success to date (in less than 100 words)?*
✓ What do you look for in a potential incubatee/client (in less than 100 words)?*
✓ What is the application and/or selection process (in less than 50 words)?*
✓ Will incubatees/clients have access to your network and resources including mentoring (in less than 50 words)?*
✓ Tell us about your ecosystem connect? Do you have access to funding and investors? Can one avail of the various state and central government startup schemes joining your incubator/accelerator (in less than 100 words)?*

Institution Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)/Innovation Cell or Hub

✓ Institution/College/University affiliated*:
✓ No. of startups graduated through the institution’s EDC/Innovation Cell to date. What is the rate of successful startups every year?*
✓ No. of startups currently under the institution’s EDC/Innovation Cell*:
✓ Do you have any mentors in your EDC/Innovation Cell (in 50 words)?
✓ Do you have any investor connects for funding startups (in 50 words)?
✓ How does the EDC/Innovation Cell contribute to the growth of campus/student startups (in 100 words)*?
✓ Mention some notable startups that were incubated through the EDC/Innovation Cell (in 50 words)*?
✓ Do you have any exclusive programmes for startups inc. student startups (in 200 words)*?
✓ How does the EDC/Innovation Cell motivate students towards ideating/creating startups? How does it help students deal with startup failures (in 100 words)*?
✓ Does your EDC/Innovation Cell follow any specific process for nurturing the entrepreneurial culture (in 50 words)*?
✓ What has been the role of the institution’s management so far in sustaining the efforts of the EDC/Innovation Cell?  Mention the role of the faculty (in 100 words)*.
✓ Is there any selection process for startups to join your EDC/Innovation Cell (in 50 words)*?
✓ Are startups appraised about central /state startup schemes through your EDC/Innovation Cell (in 50 words)*?
✓ How is the EDC/Innovation Cell instrumental in aligning the entrepreneurial aspirations of the students with the regular curriculum? How do you link research with entrepreneurship (in 100 words)*?  
✓ Do you conduct any FDP to train and develop professionals in entrepreneurship development? What has been the success rate (in 50 words)*?

Career/Placement Cell

✓ Institution/College/University affiliated with*:
✓ What are the different activities & events of the placement cell to promote job opportunities for students (in 100 words)*?
✓ What has been the average success rate of placement in your institution (in 50 words)*?
✓What is the current success rate of placement? Mention the academic year (in 50 words)*?
✓ When was the placement cell started*?
✓Do you have any mentors/trainers/coaches in your EDC Cell?
✓ Mention a few top recruiters, their current intake, and packages (in 50 words) *.
✓How do you motivate students towards placement opportunities? How do you help students deal with failures (in 100 words)*?
✓What has been the role of the institution’s management so far in sustaining the efforts of the placement cell?  Mention the role of the faculty (in 100 words)*.
✓Do you hire any experts to train students on specific job skill sets that recruiters expect from them? Mention the skillsets (in 50 words)*.
✓What are the skillsets that your recruiters usually look for in job aspirants (in 50 words)*?
✓Do you provide internship (training) with industries for students (in 50 words)*?
✓What has been the role of the alumni in supporting the placement efforts (in 50 words)*?
✓How does the cell maintain its relationship with the wider industry ecosystem (in 50 words)*?
✓Does the cell have any established process for placing students (in 100 words)*?

Alumni Association/ Institute-Industry Interaction Cell

✓Institution/College/University affiliated with*:
✓What has been the contribution of the cell in promoting placement (in 100 words)*?
✓What has been the contribution of the cell in promoting entrepreneurship and startup culture (in 100 words)*?
✓What is the procedure to join the cell? How can one become a member of the cell (in 100 words)*?
✓How does the cell maintain its relationship with the industry (in 50 words)*?
✓When was the cell started?
✓What are the highlight features of the cell (in 100 words)*?
✓What are some of the activities of the cell towards building skill development (in 100 words)*?
✓What has been the role of the institution’s management so far in sustaining the efforts of the cell (in 50 words)*?  
✓How does the cell help in bridging the gap between academia and industry (in 50 words)*?
✓Are there any mentorship programmes associated with the cell (in 50 words)*?
✓How has been the interaction of the cell with the students (in 50 words)*?
✓What has been the contribution of the cell towards the development of the institution (in 100 words)*.
✓Are there any scholarship schemes for students associated with the cell (in 50 words)*?
✓ What has been the contribution of the faculty in supporting the various activities of the cell (in 50 words)*?

Group: Communities/Organizations/Associations/Bodies

✓ What is the group all about? Describe the group’s objective, goals, and mission (in 100 words)*.
✓Who are the founding & core members/people behind running the group? Any mentors associated with the group (in 100 words)*?
✓What problem does it solve (in 100 words)*?
✓When was the group started? Tell us briefly about the launch of the group (in 100 words)*.
✓What is the USP of the group, or how does it differentiate itself from the rest of the groups (in 100 words)*?
✓What is the target audience of the group? Does it help the student community in any way (in 100 words)*?
✓How can one become a member of the group? Tell us about the admission and subscription process (in 100 words)*
✓What are the benefits of the group’s membership (in 100 words)*?
✓What are the various events and activities conducted by your group (in 100 words)*?
✓ What is the vision of the group? What are your future plans to expand the group (in 100 words)*?
✓Member Registration Link (if any):

Office Workspace: Shared or Co-working Space/Plug-and-play office

✓What are the basic and exclusive benefits of joining your workspace (in 100 words)*?
✓Who are the founding members of your workspace (in 50 words)*?
✓What is your targeted audience (in 50 words)*?
✓What are the salient features of your workspace (in 100 words)*?
✓How does your workspace help with breaking the routine of regular office or work-from-home life? Enumerate the differences between working at your workspace and regular office or home (in 100 words)*?
✓How can a startup or small business make the most of your workspace (in 100 words)*?
✓How much does your co-working space cost? What are the rental costs (in 50 words)*?
✓What are the options for seating (in 50 words)*?
✓Do you provide any test period (in 50 words)*?
✓Is your workspace associated with any investment firm (if so, mention 1-5 with locations) in 50 words?
✓Is your workspace associated with any business community, association & organization (if so, 1-5 with locations) in 50 words?
✓Is your workspace associated with any mentor or trainer (in 50 words)?

Investment /Funding Firm: Angel Investors/Venture Capitalists (VCs)

✓Type of Investment ( Angel Investors/VC)*:
✓Size of Investment*:
✓Specific Industry focussed*:
✓Startup stage funded*:
✓Describe your Investment Model (in 100 words)*:
✓Operating Countries/Preferred Investing Locations*:
✓Things you look for in a startup before investment including resources, skills, etc*:
✓Things you look for in a startup for pitching*:
✓No. of startups funded/successful startups (mention 5-7)/ No.of exits to date*:
✓No. of startups funded/successful startups (mention 1-5)/ No.of exits in the last financial year*:
✓Will you invest in potential startups from the BTS Community & student startups*?
✓Are you associated with any incubator (if so, mention 1-5, if any, with location) or accelerator (if so, mention at least 3, if any, with location)?
✓Are you associated with any mentoring firm (if so, mention 1-5, if any, with location)?
✓Are you associated with any business community, association & organization (if so, mention 1-5, if any, with location)?
✓Are you associated with any government body (if so, mention at least 1-5, if any, with location)?
✓Web Link to Portfolio, if any:

Mentoring & Corporate Companies & Startups for Placement

✓ How can you support the placement cell? Can you place students regularly?
✓ What is the selection (skill assessment & evaluation process) for job placement?
✓ Can you provide orientation/pre-placement training or mentoring sessions for institutions/colleges/universities before the start of the programme?
✓ Do you sponsor training, or mentoring support to institutions/colleges/universities through any CSR activities and funds?
✓Are you associated with any industry-based organization, business communities, or associations (if so, mention 1-5 with locations in 50 words)?
✓ Do you offer support in intrapreneurship? What are the activities involved?
✓ How do you address the gap in the areas of placement and skill development? (in 50 words)?*
✓ How do you generally help the job industry and ecosystem (in 50 words)? How connected are you with the ecosystem*
✓ Name of the contact person & official email.

Mentoring & Corporate Companies & Startups for Entrepreneurship

✓ How can you support the EDC cell? What are your strategies and activities?
✓ What is the selection (skill assessment & evaluation process), if any?
✓ Can you provide orientation, pre-training, or mentoring sessions for institutions/colleges/universities?
✓ Can you offer investment or grants (if any), training, and mentoring support to startups and campus startups before the start of the programme?
✓Are you associated with any incubator (if so, mention 1-5 with locations), or accelerator (if so, mention at least 1-5 with locations in 50 words)?
✓Are you associated with any business communities, associations & organizations (if so, 1-5 with locations in 50 words)?
✓ How do you address the gap and pain points in the area of entrepreneurship development? (in 50 words)?*
✓ How do you generally help the startup ecosystem (in 50 words)? How connected are you with the ecosystem*
✓ Name of the contact person & official email.

Business/Startup & Professional Events

✓Name of the Event*:
✓Date*: From–; To –
✓Description of the event (in 200 words)*:
✓Details about the Organizers: (In the order of Organizer, Location, Services–in 200 words)*:
✓Partners associated with the event (in 100 words)*:
✓Targeted Audience (Specific sector, if any, in 50 words)*:
✓Benefits & Features of the Event (in 100 words)*:
✓What difference would the event make to the ecosystem, in general (in 100 words)?*
✓Who are the Speakers/Mentors/Investors/Dignitaries (in 100 words)?*
✓Is the event Free/Paid?*
✓Name of the event coordinator with WhatsApp/E-mail for communication*:
✓Event Web Link (if any):
✓Facebook/Instagram Event Link (if any):
✓Linkedin Event Link (if any):
✓YouTube Event Link (if any):
✓Event Registration Page/Link (if any):

Multimedia Type for submission

S.No.Multimedia Type NewsOrganizations/Companies/Communities/Associations
1.Images*Pre-event (Posters: 2)
Post-event (Event: 2)

Office/infrastructure/facilities/meetups (2)
2.LogoOrganization or Event (1) Organization (1)
3.YouTube links Pre-event (Promo) (1)
Post-event (Event video) (1)
Office/infrastructure/facilities/meetups (1)